At Impi, the principles of a safer space are followed, which apply to everyone doing business with Impi, staff and customers.
- Respect everyone's boundaries - both physical and psychological. Do not touch others without permission and do not pry into other people's personal affairs. Also, don't photograph someone else without permission. Make sure that no one accidentally gets in the background of your photo or video and that filming your own performance does not disturb the training of others.
- Recognize your privilege and give space. Pay attention to how much you take up physical and social space. Is there also room for other people training next to you to make moves? Have others also had the opportunity to be vocal and influence the freely chosen parts of the class?
- Know your assumptions and question your prejudices. Recognize that your assumptions about people's appearance, gender, sexuality, skin color, language, or physical characteristics can influence your behavior toward them. Knowing that your assumptions tell you nothing about their object, assumption is not the same as knowledge. So question your assumptions and prejudices about people's bodies, personalities, identities, wealth, backgrounds or "where they come from", and let everyone be themselves. Everyone has the right to define their own identity. Only use gendered words about people that they want to be used about themselves.
- Appreciate all kinds of bodies and give peace of mind. You don't comment on your own or other people's bodies. Impi does not participate in maintaining a dieting culture or reinforce other exclusionary notions about fit bodies. Every body is a good body! If we talk about food, let's do it appreciatively and positively. Not criticizing one's own or others' portion sizes or the nutrient content of the food. Everyone chooses what to eat and how much. Blame has no place when eating or talking about it.
- Take responsibility and act against discrimination . Challenging discriminatory behavior is everyone's responsibility. Discrimination can appear e.g. as homophobia and transphobia, sexism, racism, age or class discrimination, and body and ability norms. Accept that you are responsible for your own actions. Remember that things that are comfortable to you may make someone else uncomfortable. Accept the criticism you receive and change your actions.
If you encounter discrimination, harassment, harassment or other problematic situations, contact Impi's staff and we will figure it out together.